When you join Escapees RV Club, you are joining a Community that offers Discount benefits for RV-related businesses, Events & Groups that come in all sizes and shapes, Camping Partners, and Educational resources and courses. Memberships are created automatically after you join so you can immediately take advantage of the things that fit your RV lifestyle needs.
Discount Benefits
You can preview these Member Benefits before you join by using the Benefits link in the top menu of our website.
After you join and log in, you can access these Benefits by using the Benefits link in the top menu of your Member Dashboard.
We make these benefits easy to access by providing a categorized, searchable directory of all the Discount Benefits available to our members.
Events & Groups
You can preview our exclusive Member Events and Interest Groups before you join by using the Events and Interest Groups links in the top menu of our website.
After you join and log in, you can access these Events & Interest Groups by using the Community link in the top menu of your Member Dashboard.
Camping Partners
Before you join, you can see our Camping Partners - Discount Parks, Escapees RV Parks, and SKP Co-Ops.
After you join and log in, you can access these Camping Partners by using the Stays link in the top menu of your Member Dashboard.
Then choose Discover Hosts & Campground from the dropdown menu.
Education Resources
Before you join, you can preview our Education Resources by choosing Education from the top menu.
After you join and log in, you can access all of our Educational Resources by choosing Benefits from the top menu. Then choose either Boot Camps or Rvers Online University from the dropdown menu.
Before you join, you can find out about our Xscapers group and their events by choosing Xscapers from the top menu.
After you join and log in, you can access all of Xscaper events by choosing Community from the top menu. Then choose either Xscapers Events or Xscapers from the dropdown menu.