Explore Our Interest Groups
Whether it’s shared hobbies, regional meetups, or adventurous gatherings, our interest groups offer countless ways to connect. Find your community and start building lasting friendships! You must be an Escapees RV Club member to join any BOF, Chapter, or Xscapers. Membership offers access to a wider range of benefits.
Birds-of-a-Feather (BOFs)
Connect with RVers who share your hobbies and passions, from photography to geocaching, with regular events and meetups to learn and explore together.
Meet RVers in your region through local events, campouts, and gatherings that foster friendships and community near home or on the road.
A vibrant group for working-age RVers, Xscapers offers exciting events, valuable resources, and a community that embraces both work and play.
Some chapters and BOFs may have minimal dues to cover costs, please see individual groups to determine fees. There is no additional cost to join Xscapers. You can designate yourself as an Xscaper in your member settings.