DIscover what is included and how to use your membership
35 articles
Do you have a quick start guide to using my Escapees Membership?
**What terms do I need to know for my Escapees Membership?
SKP - What is the Messages menu item in the top menu?
What are the Member Discounts and how do I access them?
What is the Tire Discount Program?
What is the Escapees Magazine?
*How often is the Magazine published?
How do I view or download the Magazine?
What is the Roadside Assistance Program?
How do I get support for the Roadside Assistance Program?
What is the Mail Service & How do I join?
How do I contact support for the Mail Forwarding Service?
Do Escapees members get a discount on a SYKL e-bike?
What types of Events are available for Escapees Members?
Are there registration or other fees to participate in Escapees Events or Groups?
What are HOPs?
What are Hangouts?
What are the Escapees’ Interest Groups?
What are Birds-of-a-Feather (BOFs)?
What are Escapees Chapters?
What are Xscapers Convergences?
What is the Xscapers Annual Bash?
What is Escapades?