You can access and edit your Campground's Profile information on the Harvest Hosts website.
Log into
Log in to with your credentials
Select "Host Profile" from the top menu
View and edit your profile, photos, "About" section, amenities, and restricted dates
Editing Your About Section
Your opportunity to describe your campground, highlight amenities, unique features, and attractions
Click "Edit" at the top right of the "About" box
Enter your text and click "Save"
Editing Your Amenities
Showcase available amenities at your campground
Click "Edit" at the top right of the "Amenities" box
Select or remove amenities by checking boxes next to icons
Click "Save"
Managing Restricted Dates
Specify dates when Campground Partners discount doesn't apply (holidays, events, closures)
Click "Manage Calendar" in the "Restricted Dates" box
Select "Manage Availability" at the top right
Select date(s) to block and click "Block Selected Dates"
Add optional internal note and click "Block Dates"
To unblock dates, select them and click "Unblock Selected Dates"
Editing Your Photos
Editing Additional Fields: If you need to make any updates to your campground discount, discount notes, additional perks and benefits, or any other non-editable fields; please contact us directly at so we can assist you.