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Reviews - How to Write a Member Review?
Updated this week

To leave a review for a member, you can click the review button in the post-Stay email we send to you or write one for the Stay on the Website.

Email Review Button

Click the Star Rating section post-Stay email we sent to you with the subject line "Tell us about [member]'s stay with you!"


Log into the Website. Our website should default to the Hosting dashboard when a host logs in, but if it does not, switch to your hosting dashboard by clicking on the button at the top right with your photo and name, then click on your Hosting Location in the menu that drops down.

Then click on Stays in the top menu. If you are on the Table View, you can click the Add Review button in the Actions column to add a Review.

If you are using the Stay Card View, click on Past at the top under the page title.

Then click on the appropriate Stay Request in the list and click the Add Review button in the right column.

Fill out the Review form that pops up to give a Member a Rating for other Hosts to consider when they receive a Stay Request from that Member.

Guide for the Overall Rating Stars

5 stars: Excellent - on time, courteous, supported financially, cleaned up, etc.

4 stars : Good - might not have call ahead, but were great guests once they arrived, etc.

3 stars: Average - good guests but didn't financially support us, etc.

2 stars: Poor- didn’t follow some rules and were rude to our staff, etc.

1: stars: Very poor: didn’t follow the rules, were rude, and damaged our property. etc.

Be sure to scroll down to answer all of the review questions and then click the Submit Review button at the bottom.

Stay Requests that have been Canceled or marked as No-Show will not be available for reviewing a Member.

Add Private Message

If you are a Boondockers Welcome Host, we provide you with an added feature to send a private message to the Member. This message will not be visible on the Member's Travel Profile, but will be sent privately to the member and added to a message thread between you and the Member in the Message Center.

After submitting a Review for a Member as described above, you will see an additional screen giving you the option to send a Private Message to the Member. Type your Private Message in the box provided and click the Send Private Comment button at the bottom to send the message. If you do not want to include a Private Message, click the Close button at the bottom or the X at the top left of the popup window.

Report Member

You can Report a member as a No-Show or Report Member behavior by clicking the red Report button.

View instruction for Reporting a Member as a No-Show.

View instruction for Reporting a Member's bad behavior.

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