For our Hosts: Learn how to manage your Host Account
31 articles
Getting Started - Can I have additional email addresses on my account as a Host?
Getting Started - My HH Host Location has new owners. What do I need to do?
Requests - What are the Notifications I will receive as a Host from the Request to Stay system?
Requests - How Do I Approve a Member Stay Request?
Requests - How do I approve or decline a Member's Stay Request?
Reviews - How to Write a Member Review?
Reviews - How do I Report bad behavior by a Member?
Reviews - Can I provide a Host response to a negative review from a Member?
Requests - Can I change the dates of a Stay Request?
How do I edit my Host Profile content as a Host?
How do I edit my Stay Preferences as a Host?
How do I edit my Hosting Location Information as a Host?
How do I add photos on my Host profile?
How do I add, remove, and manage photos on my Host profile?
How do I update or change the Cover Photo (primary photo) on my Hosting Profile?
How do I edit my Host Profile Details?
How do I assign (reassign) Photos to a Photo Category on my Hosting Profile?
How do I set up or edit Extra Nights for my Host Profile?
Can BW Hosts allow members to upload photos?
How do I edit my Opening Hours?
How do I change the Featured Photos (small photos) in the Photo Header of my Hosting Profile?
How do I edit Hookups for my Host Profile?
How do I delete Photos from my Hosting Profile?
Can I change the information in the Callouts on my Host Card and Host Profile?
What do Hosts need to know about RV length?