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Manage - How long should I wait for a Host to respond to my Request to Stay?
Manage - How long should I wait for a Host to respond to my Request to Stay?
Updated over a week ago

Generally, we recommend waiting 24-48 hours for Hosts to approve the stay request, depending on how far out the stay date is. By day 2 or 3, you can send a "just checking in" message through the message center if you still have not heard back.

Hosts manage their own stay requests. Some approve quickly, while others approve at a specific time once a week and/or nearer to the date requested. If your request date is within 24 hours, you can message the Host directly to ask about your request, but please know that they may not answer right away.

If you the date of your Stay Request is approaching, or you prefer to have something finalized well in advance, it might be best to cancel the Stay Request and submit a new Request with another nearby Host that can accommodate you on short notice. We apologize for this inconvenience.

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