Host Types
Our Hosts are shown on the Discover Map by icons associated with their Host Type.
We have six types of Hosts for you to enjoy.
You can filter your searches by selecting the Host types you would like to see by checking the boxes beside each host type in the Host Type filter above the Discover Map.
Campground Partners
If you have a paid membership with CampersCard, you can now access CampersCard Campgrounds on the HH Discover map through your Harvest Hosts membership.
Once logged in, you can click on the Other Stay Types filter just below the search box, check the box, and click the Show XX Hosts button to view Campgrounds on the map.
Dump Stations
Another icon that can be seen on our Discover Map is the Dumpstation icon.
To view Dumpstations on the map, choose Dumpstations in the Map Layers menu. Click on the Layers icon at the top right of the Discover Map.
Then click on Dumpstations.
Pro Tip: Dumpstations will only show up on the Discover Map when you are sufficiently zoomed into a local region.
Generic Search Locations
The last icon is associated with our Search function. When typing in a location or Host name, our system will begin suggestion results that match your search. HH & BW Hosts are shown first, then non-Hosts such as cities and general map locations.