Renew Current Membership
Your Escapees Membership can auto renew for you if you have a valid payment method associated with your account and have the auto renew feature turned on.
Log into Membership
Log into your Membership. Then click your name/photo in the top right corner and choose Membership from the drop-down menu.
Payment Method
Choose Billing Information from the left column menu. Then click the Edit button to add/update your payment method for your membership.
Turn on Auto Renew
Choose Membership from the left column menu. If auto-renewal is turned on, you will see the auto-renewal statement at the bottom of the Membership Details section.
If auto-renew is turn off, you will see a red warning triangle beside the Membership link in the left column, a warning banner at the top of the Membership Details section, and a red button at the bottom labeled Turn on Auto-Renewal. Click the button to turn auto-renewal on.
AUTO-RENEWAL: When auto-renewal is turned on and you have a valid payment method associated with your account under Billing Information, your membership will be automatically renewed on it renewal date (shown as the Expires date on your membership card at to top of the Membership page).